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How to Change the Root Password on the Terminal in Ubuntu

This is an article about securing your system and enhancing its security by changing the root password through the terminal in Ubuntu. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps necessary to perform this crucial task, ensuring that your system remains protected from unauthorized access.

In this article, you will find information on how to change the root password using various methods available within the Linux environment of Ubuntu. We’ll cover both graphical user interface (GUI) and command-line approaches, but our focus will be primarily on terminal-based techniques due to their security benefits and flexibility for remote management.

Read this article to find out about different ways to manage your system’s root account securely, which is vital for maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of data stored within Ubuntu-based systems. We’ll discuss why changing passwords periodically is a best practice in cybersecurity and how it can prevent unauthorized access even if password details are compromised or guessed by attackers.

Why Change Your Root Password?

Before diving into the specifics of changing your root password, let’s first understand why this is an important security measure. The root user on any Linux system, including Ubuntu, has full control over all files and directories. This means that once someone gains access to the root account, they can do anything to your system, from deleting critical files to installing malicious software.

Changing your root password periodically enhances the security of your system in several ways:

  • Prevent Unauthorized Access: If someone manages to obtain or guess your current password, changing it immediately will prevent them from using that knowledge to gain access.
  • Reduce Risk After Compromise: Even if a breach occurs and an attacker gains temporary access, changing the root password quickly can mitigate further damage.
  • Meet Security Policies: Regularly updating passwords is often required by many security policies in both personal and corporate environments.


Before you start the process of changing your root password, ensure that:

  • You have administrative privileges or are currently logged into an account with sudo access. This allows you to run commands with elevated permissions.
  • The terminal application (such as Gnome Terminal or Konsole) is installed and accessible on your Ubuntu system.

Method 1: Changing the Root Password from a User Account

Step 1: Open Terminal

To change the root password, first open your preferred terminal emulator. You can do this by searching for ‘Terminal’ in the applications menu or using keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl + Alt + T depending on your settings.

Step 2: Switch to Root Using Sudo Command

Once you have access to a command line interface, type the following command and press Enter:

sudo passwd root

This command prompts for the current user’s password (not the root password) because sudo needs to verify that you are authorized to perform this operation.

Step 3: Set New Root Password

After entering your user account’s password correctly, you will be prompted twice to enter and confirm a new password for the root user. Choose a strong combination of letters, numbers, and special characters to create an unguessable password.

Method 2: Changing the Root Password in Single-User Mode

If your system is not starting properly or if you have forgotten both your regular user account’s password and the root password, you might need to boot into single-user mode. This method grants direct root access without requiring a password but should be used cautiously as it provides full control over the system.

Step 1: Boot Your Computer

Restart your computer. When the GRUB bootloader appears (often after a short delay), quickly press and hold the ‘Shift’ key to bring up the boot menu.

Step 2: Access Recovery Mode

In the GRUB menu, use the arrow keys to select the first option (your normal Linux kernel) and then press ‘e’. This will allow you to edit the command line options for your system. Look for a line starting with linux or linux16, depending on your version of Ubuntu.

Step 3: Enable Single-User Mode

At the end of this line, add the following text after the existing parameters:

init=/bin/bash rw rootdelay=90

Press Ctrl + X to boot into single-user mode with a root shell. Note that you might need different kernel parameters based on your hardware configuration.

Step 4: Change Root Password

Once in the root shell, type the following command:

passwd root

Follow the prompts to set a new password for the root user. After setting it, reboot your system using reboot.

Method 3: Using Chroot Environment

In scenarios where you have access to another Ubuntu system and want to change the root password of a different machine remotely or via an external drive, chroot environment becomes useful.

Step 1: Mount Target System

First, mount the file system of the target Ubuntu installation. For example:

mount /dev/sdaX /mnt

Replace /dev/sdaX with the actual partition identifier for your target Ubuntu system’s root directory.

Step 2: Chroot into Target Installation

Use chroot to change the shell environment to the mounted filesystem:

chroot /mnt /bin/bash

This command switches the current shell context to the root of the mounted file system, making it appear as if you are running commands directly on that machine.

Step 3: Modify Root Password

From within the chrooted session, execute the passwd command:

passwd root

Proceed with setting a new password for the target system’s root user.

Best Practices

  • Regularly Update Your Password: It is recommended to change your root password periodically. A minimum period of every 90 days is advisable.
  • Use Strong and Unique Passwords: Avoid using easily guessable passwords like birthdays or simple words. Use a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • Limit Root Access: Only grant sudo privileges to essential accounts instead of giving everyone root access. This limits the potential damage in case an account is compromised.


Changing your root password on Ubuntu through the terminal is straightforward once you know how. By following the steps outlined above, you can enhance the security of your system against unauthorized access and ensure that only authorized individuals have administrative control over your machine. Remember, maintaining strong passwords and regularly updating them are key practices in protecting your data from potential threats.

Last Modified: 22/03/2016 - 17:26:42