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How to Use Nano Text Editor on the Terminal in Ubuntu


This is an article about how to use the nano text editor effectively within the terminal environment of Ubuntu, focusing specifically on its applications for file and directory management. In this article you will find information about essential commands, tips for enhancing your experience with nano, and practical examples that demonstrate how to utilize nano for various tasks involving files and directories in Linux-based systems.

What is Nano?

Nano is a lightweight text editor designed primarily for use within terminal environments on Unix-like operating systems such as Ubuntu. It was created to provide an easy-to-use alternative to more complex editors like vi and Emacs, making it particularly appealing for beginners or those who value simplicity and efficiency over advanced features. The nano editor offers many useful functions, including syntax highlighting, file browsing capabilities, and support for plugins.

Why Use Nano?

Nano is especially suitable for tasks involving the editing of configuration files, scripts, or any text-based data within Ubuntu’s terminal environment due to its user-friendly interface and straightforward command set. Its minimalistic nature means it loads quickly and consumes fewer system resources compared to larger editors, making it an ideal choice for working with large directories or multiple small files simultaneously.

Getting Started

Installing Nano on Ubuntu

Before diving into using nano, you might need to ensure that it’s installed on your system. Although nano is typically pre-installed in most Linux distributions including Ubuntu, if it isn’t available, you can install it by running the following command in your terminal:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nano

Launching Nano

To open a file with nano or start a new one, simply type nano followed by the name of the file you wish to edit. For example, if you want to create or modify /etc/fstab, run:

sudo nano /etc/fstab

If you just want to launch nano without opening any specific file for editing, omitting the filename will open a blank document.

Basic Usage

Opening Files

To edit an existing text file using nano, simply enter nano followed by the path and name of the file. For example:

nano /home/user/example.txt

If you need to create a new file, specify its full path. Nano will automatically create it if it doesn’t exist.

Basic Navigation

  • Moving Cursor: Use arrow keys (up/down/left/right) or j/k/h/l.
  • Scrolling Up/Down: Press Ctrl + Y to scroll up or Ctrl + V to scroll down.
  • End of File: Go to the end of a file by pressing Ctrl + W.

Saving Files

To save your edits and exit nano, press Ctrl + O, then hit Enter when prompted. To exit without saving changes, press Ctrl + X. If you want to overwrite an existing file or add content at the beginning/end of it, consider these commands:

  • Overwrite: nano -w /path/to/file
  • Append: echo "text" >> /path/to/file

Exiting Nano

To exit nano after saving your changes, press Ctrl + X, then confirm with Y when prompted.

Advanced Usage and Tips for File Management

Searching Text Within Files

While editing a file, you can search for text by pressing Ctrl + W followed by the phrase or word you’re looking for. To search again in the same direction, use Alt + W. For backward searches, press Shift + Ctrl + W.

Copy and Paste

Copying and pasting text with nano is quite straightforward:

  • Copy: Move your cursor to the start of the line where copying should begin, then press ^6 (Ctrl+6) followed by the movement keys until you reach the end. Alternatively, you can highlight text manually.
  • Paste: Position your cursor at the desired location and press Shift + ].

Multiple File Editing

Nano supports working on multiple files simultaneously through its built-in buffer system:

  1. Open one file in nano.
  2. Use Ctrl + R to read another file into a new buffer.
  3. Switch between buffers using Alt + 1, Alt + 2, etc.

This feature is particularly handy when dealing with configurations across different directories or editing multiple files in sequence without losing your place.

Syntax Highlighting

Nano comes equipped with syntax highlighting for several common file types out-of-the-box, such as shell scripts (.sh), C/C++ code (.c/.cpp), and HTML. For better visibility of syntax elements while editing these files, ensure that you’re using a version of nano that supports this feature.

Creating Directories and Files

While nano primarily focuses on text editing rather than directory management tasks like creating directories or files directly from within the editor, it can still be utilized indirectly to perform such operations. For instance, after opening nano with an intention of writing content into a new file, use Ctrl + X followed by Y and Enter when prompted to create that file.

Editing Multiple Files at Once

For editing multiple files concurrently, you might consider combining nano’s features with shell commands or utilizing tools like screen or tmux for splitting terminal panes. Here’s a basic example using GNU Parallel:

parallel -X --gnu 'nano {}' ::: /path/to/dir/*.txt

This command opens each .txt file in the specified directory simultaneously in separate nano sessions.


Nano is an incredibly versatile and user-friendly text editor for handling files and directories within Ubuntu’s terminal. Its straightforward interface, rich set of features, and ability to perform complex operations through shell integration make it a powerful tool for both beginners and experienced users alike. Whether you’re managing configuration files, writing scripts, or editing numerous documents in one go, nano offers robust functionality tailored to your needs.

By mastering the commands and tips outlined here, you’ll be well-equipped to handle most text editing tasks efficiently within Ubuntu’s terminal environment using nano.

Last Modified: 21/03/2018 - 18:25:51