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How to Move Directories on the Terminal in Ubuntu

This is an article about managing files and directories effectively through the terminal in a Linux environment, specifically focusing on Ubuntu. In this article, you will find information about moving directories using various command-line utilities and techniques, including mv, cp, and rsync. We’ll cover best practices for organizing your file system, troubleshooting common issues, and providing examples of how to use these commands in real-world scenarios.

Read this article to find out about efficient ways to manage your files and directories on Ubuntu through the command line. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, this guide aims to enhance your ability to work with directories and move them around smoothly without running into common pitfalls.

Understanding Basic Directory Navigation

Before diving into moving directories, it’s essential to understand how to navigate within the file system using basic commands like cd (change directory) and ls (list files/directories). These fundamental skills will help you better manage your directories and ensure that you are in the correct location before performing any operations.

The cd Command

The cd command is used to change your current working directory. For example, if you’re currently in /home/user/documents, and you want to move to /home/user/pictures, you would type:

cd /home/user/pictures

To go up one level, you can use:

cd ..

This command moves you from /home/user/pictures back to /home/user.

The ls Command

The ls (list) command lists the contents of a directory. To see all files and directories in your current location, simply type:

ls -a

The -a flag ensures that hidden files are also listed.

Understanding these basics is crucial because moving directories involves knowing where you are and where you want to move them.

The mv Command

At the heart of directory management lies the mv (move) command. This versatile utility allows you not only to rename a file or directory but also to relocate it from one place in your filesystem to another. Here’s how you can use it effectively:

Renaming Directories

To rename a directory, simply specify the current name and the new desired name with mv. For example, if you have a folder named old_folder that you want to rename to new_folder, run:

mv old_folder new_folder

This command effectively renames old_folder to new_folder.

Moving Directories

To move (or relocate) a directory from one place to another, use the mv command with source and destination arguments. For example, if you want to move /home/user/documents/important to /home/user/pictures, execute:

mv /home/user/documents/important /home/user/pictures/

This moves your important directory into the pictures folder under /home/user.

Overwriting Files or Directories

One critical aspect of using mv is understanding its capability to overwrite existing files and directories if you’re moving a file/directory with an identical name. For example, moving a file named file.txt from one location to another where there already exists a file named file.txt, the original file will be overwritten without any warning.

To avoid accidental overwrites, it’s recommended to first check whether files exist at your destination using commands like ls. If you want to prevent overwriting and get notified of existing items, use -i (interactive) flag with mv.

mv -i old_folder new_folder

This will prompt you before overwriting any existing directory or file.

Recursive Moving

If you’re dealing with complex directory structures that contain multiple subdirectories and files, the -r (recursive) option comes in handy. It allows you to move an entire tree of directories and their contents:

mv -r source_directory/ destination/

This command recursively moves all files and subdirectories within source_directory into destination.

The cp Command

While mv is used for moving or renaming, the cp (copy) command serves to duplicate directories. This can be particularly useful if you need to retain a copy of your directory while also having it in another location.

Copying Directories

To copy an entire directory and its contents to another location, use:

cp -r source_directory/ destination/

The -r flag ensures that cp copies directories recursively, including all subdirectories and files.

Preserving Attributes with cp

When copying directories, you might want to ensure that attributes such as permissions or timestamps are retained. This can be achieved using the -p (preserve) option:

cp -pr source_directory/ destination/

Using cp -r without -p would result in the copied directory having default permissions and timestamps.

The rsync Command

For more advanced scenarios, especially when dealing with large directories or needing granular control over what is moved/copied, rsync offers powerful capabilities. It can synchronize files between two locations efficiently, allowing for selective copying based on various criteria like file modification times.

Basic Usage of rsync

To simply copy a directory from one place to another using rsync, you can use:

rsync -av source_directory/ destination/
  • -a (archive mode) preserves all properties including permissions, timestamps, and symlinks.
  • -v (verbose) provides detailed output about the operation.

Synchronizing Directories

One of rsync’s main strengths is its ability to synchronize directories. This means it only copies files that are different between two locations, making it highly efficient for backups or mirroring setups:

rsync -avz source_directory/ destination/
  • -z enables compression during data transfer.

Dealing with Exclusions

Sometimes you might need to exclude certain directories or files from being copied. This can be done by specifying patterns in the command itself:

rsync -av --exclude='*.log' source_directory/ destination/

Here, --exclude prevents .log files from being included during synchronization.

Best Practices for Directory Management

Backup Before Moving or Renaming

Always ensure you have a backup of directories before moving or renaming them. This helps mitigate risks associated with accidental deletions or overwrites.

Verify Destination Paths

Double-check that your destination paths are correct to avoid errors like moving files into non-existent directories.

Use Version Control Systems

For critical data and projects, consider using version control systems (like Git) which can track changes and help in managing files more effectively.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Overwrite Warnings with mv

If you encounter warnings about overwriting existing files or directories when using mv, use the -i option to get interactive prompts before proceeding.

Permission Errors

Encountering permission errors during file operations indicates that your user does not have sufficient permissions. Use commands like sudo (superuser do) for elevated privileges if necessary:

sudo mv source_directory/ destination/


Managing directories efficiently through the command line in Ubuntu is a valuable skill, enhancing both productivity and control over your filesystem. By mastering commands like mv, cp, and rsync, you can perform complex operations with ease while ensuring data integrity and minimizing risks.

This article has provided an overview of these tools and tips for best practices. With continued practice and exploration, you’ll become proficient in managing directories on the Ubuntu terminal, making your workflow smoother and more efficient.

Last Modified: 23/11/2015 - 23:11:24