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Increasing Download Speed Using Aria2 on Ubuntu Terminal

This is an article about enhancing your download speed and performance when downloading files from the internet using a powerful command-line tool called aria2. In this guide, we will delve into how you can utilize aria2 to achieve faster downloads, better manage multiple connections simultaneously, and optimize bandwidth usage for larger or multiple file transfers.

In this article, you will find information about installing, configuring, and utilizing aria2 effectively on Ubuntu. We will cover various aspects such as optimizing download speed, managing multi-threaded downloads, dealing with segmented downloading (e.g., resuming partial downloads), and more advanced features like setting priorities for different downloads to manage bandwidth better.

Read this article to find out how you can maximize your internet connection’s capabilities by leveraging aria2 on the Ubuntu terminal. We will provide detailed steps along with examples that beginners and intermediate users can follow easily, as well as tips for those looking to fine-tune their downloading experience.

Introduction to Aria2

Aria2 is a lightweight yet powerful command-line download utility designed primarily for Linux systems but also available on other platforms such as Windows or macOS. It offers features like HTTP/HTTPS (including BitTorrent), FTP, and Metalink support, making it versatile enough to handle various types of file downloads.

One of the key advantages of aria2 is its ability to manage multiple connections simultaneously, which can significantly boost download speeds by utilizing more bandwidth than a single connection would allow. This makes it an excellent choice for downloading large files or managing multiple small files at once without overwhelming your system resources.

Installation and Setup

Before diving into using aria2, you need to ensure it is installed on your Ubuntu machine. Follow these steps to get started:

Step 1: Update System

Firstly, update the package index of your Ubuntu system:

sudo apt update

Step 2: Install Aria2

Now install aria2 using the following command:

sudo apt install aria2 -y

Basic Usage

Once installed, you can start downloading files using simple commands. Here’s how to download a file from an HTTP or FTP source:


To download multiple files at once, use space-separated URLs:


Advanced Features

Splitting Downloads Across Multiple Connections

Aria2’s strength lies in its ability to handle simultaneous connections. By default, aria2 can make up to 5 parallel connections per download (though this is configurable). To specify more or fewer connections for a particular URL:

aria2c --max-connection-per-server=10

This command increases the number of simultaneous connections to 10, which could be useful for servers that support multiple parallel connections.

Resuming Downloads

Another crucial feature of aria2 is its ability to resume interrupted downloads. If you start downloading a file and lose your internet connection, you can continue where you left off using:

aria2c --auto-file-renaming=false -d /path/to/download/directory

This command ensures that the partially downloaded file is not renamed upon resuming, making it easier to manage partial downloads.

Prioritizing Downloads

When you have multiple files downloading and want more control over which ones get priority, aria2 allows setting priorities. For instance:

aria2c --max-concurrent-downloads=5 --force-sequential=true \ --split=10 --min-split-size=3M --input-file=/path/to/download-list.txt

This example sets up a maximum of 5 simultaneous downloads, forces sequential downloading after the initial download completes, splits each file into 10 segments starting with a minimum size of 3 megabytes, and reads download URLs from /path/to/download-list.txt.

Configuring aria2

The real power of aria2 lies in its configurability. You can save settings to aria2.conf for easier management:

Example Configuration File

# Basic configuration file for aria2 dir=/home/user/downloads # Set default download directory check-integrity=true # Check file integrity after download max-concurrent-downloads=5 # Maximum number of simultaneous downloads split=10 # Number of connections per download min-split-size=3M # Minimum size for splitting files input-file=/path/to/download-list.txt # File containing URLs to be downloaded

To use the configuration file, you run aria2 with:

aria2c --config=/path/to/aria2.conf


By integrating aria2 into your Ubuntu terminal setup, you can significantly enhance your download capabilities. From managing multiple connections for single files or handling numerous small files simultaneously, to resuming downloads efficiently and setting priorities among them, the flexibility provided by aria2 ensures that you get the most out of your internet connection’s bandwidth.

Whether you are a casual user looking to speed up your file transfers or someone who regularly deals with large datasets and needs precise control over download processes, aria2 offers an extensive set of features tailored for performance enhancement. With this guide, you should be well-equipped to start optimizing your downloads today!

Last Modified: 26/05/2019 - 08:28:52