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How to Find Files on the Terminal in Ubuntu

This is an article about finding files and directories efficiently through the command line interface (CLI) in Ubuntu. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into various methods and commands that help you locate specific files or folders within your Linux system quickly and accurately.

Read this article to find out how to effectively search for files on your Ubuntu terminal using tools like find, locate, grep, and more. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a casual user, mastering these techniques can significantly enhance your ability to manage and access files in any directory structure.

Introduction to Command-Line File Search

In the world of Linux and Unix-like operating systems, such as Ubuntu, command-line interfaces (CLI) offer unparalleled flexibility and power for managing files. The terminal is an integral part of a Linux system’s functionality, providing a text-based interface through which users can interact with their computers.

Finding files on the terminal in Ubuntu isn’t just about knowing where to look manually; it involves using specialized commands that allow you to pinpoint exactly what you need without having to sift through countless directories and files. This article will explore several tools available for searching files, each catering to different use cases depending on your specific needs.

The find Command

The find command is one of the most versatile and powerful utilities in Unix/Linux systems for locating files. It enables you to search within a directory hierarchy based on various criteria such as file name, modification time, permissions, type, size, and more.

Basic Usage

To use find, simply specify the starting point (usually a directory) where you want to begin your search:

find /path/to/directory -name "filename"

For example, if you’re looking for a file named ‘example.txt’ in the /home/user/documents folder and its subdirectories:

find /home/user/documents -name example.txt

Advanced Options

  • Finding by Size: If you know the approximate size of the file but not the exact name, you can use -size:

    find . -type f -size +10M # Find files larger than 10 MB in the current directory.
  • Finding by Modification Time: Use -mtime, where +n means more than n days ago and -n means less than n days ago:

    find / -type f -name "*.log" -mtime +7 # Find all log files modified more than a week ago.
  • Finding by Permission: You can also search for files with specific permissions, such as executable files (-x) or writable files (-w):

    find . -perm -100 -type f -exec ls -l {} \; # List all executable files in the current directory.
  • Combining Multiple Criteria: Use -and, -or, and parentheses to combine conditions:

    find /home/user/ -type f \( -name "*.txt" -o -name "*.log" \) -mtime +30 # Find .txt or .log files modified more than a month ago.

The locate Command

The locate command is designed to quickly search for files by searching through an index of the filesystem. It’s significantly faster than using find, especially when looking through large directories, but it requires an up-to-date database of file paths.

Updating Database

Before you can use locate effectively, ensure its database is updated:

sudo apt-get install mlocate # Install locate if not already installed. sudo updatedb # Update the file index.

Basic Usage

To find files, simply run locate followed by a pattern that matches the filenames or paths you’re interested in:

locate example.txt

This command will return all entries from the database matching “example.txt”.

Efficiency Tips

  • Use -b for basename: If you only want to match file names and not full paths, use -b. This is especially useful when looking up files by name.

    locate -b 'example\.' # Finds all files whose base filename ends in ".example".

The grep Command

While primarily used for searching text within files, grep can be a powerful tool when combined with other commands like find. It allows you to search the contents of files rather than just their names.

Basic Usage

To use grep, combine it with find to specify which files should be searched:

find /home/user/ -type f -name "*.log" | xargs grep "error"

This command will find all .log files in /home/user/ and search for the word ‘error’ within them.

Advanced Usage

  • Using --include: This option can make your search more precise by specifying file types directly:

    find /home/user -type f --name "*.py" | xargs grep "import"
  • Combining with Regular Expressions: You can use regex to perform complex searches:

    find . -type f -exec grep -l '^[A-Z]' {} \; # Finds all files containing lines starting with an uppercase letter.

The which Command

The which command is used specifically for finding the location of executable programs or scripts. It’s particularly useful when you’re unsure about where a specific binary resides on your system.

Basic Usage

To find out where a particular program, like Python or Git, is located:

which python3

This returns the full path to python3, which might look something like /usr/bin/python3.

The whereis Command

Similar to which, the whereis command helps locate binary files, source code, and manual pages for a given program. It’s less precise than which but can return multiple results.

Basic Usage

To find all occurrences of a program (binaries, source codes, and documentation):

whereis python

This provides the locations of executable Python binary files, source code files, and man pages if they exist.

The findstr and ack-grep Alternatives

For those more familiar with Windows environments, findstr is a command-line string search tool that can be used in similar ways to Linux’s grep. However, it’s not available natively on Ubuntu but can be installed via WSL or Cygwin.

  • ack-grep: This Perl script is an alternative to grep, designed specifically for searching source code trees. It ignores version control directories and binary files by default, making searches much faster compared to standard grep.

    Install ack-grep using:

    sudo apt-get install ack-grep

    Then use it like so:

    ack -a "function" /path/to/project # Search for 'function' across all files in '/path/to/project'.


Mastering the art of file searching on the terminal is crucial for anyone working with Linux systems, particularly Ubuntu. The find, locate, and grep commands are fundamental tools that enable efficient navigation through filesystems, while which and whereis provide quick lookup capabilities for executable programs.

By integrating these utilities into your workflow, you’ll not only save time but also gain a deeper understanding of the power behind Unix/Linux command-line interfaces. Whether you’re troubleshooting issues, managing projects, or simply organizing files, proficiency with terminal-based file search commands is invaluable in today’s tech-driven environment.

Last Modified: 29/11/2015 - 00:27:25